Microscopes are very complex pieces of equipment, that have evolved to accommodate many different imaging techniques. Microscopy and its applications have promoted many key breakthroughs in life

sciences. Its impact can be seen by the numerous nobel prizes in Physics, Chemistry and Physiology and Medicine, that have been attributed to the development of new microscopy applications and techniques, or from discoveries that were possible due to microscopy breakthroughs.

The Andor Microscopy School, aims to give life science researchers an overview of the microscopy world, from the fundamental applications to more recent high-end techniques. 

This free course will also introduce concepts in detectors, fluorescence microscopy, sample preparation and confocal microscopy. Once the fundamental keystones of the course are laid, we will introduce advanced microscopy applications such as TIRF, super-resolution and photostimulation techniques. Finally,  an introduction to post-processing and image analysis tools will be provided.

The Andor Microscopy School will run on Wednesdays. This is a free course designed for researchers who aim to improve their microscopy knowledge. Do you want to enhance your understanding of microscopy? Then you should register for the Andor Microscopy School.